Render unto Caesar: Shares and the SARS slice

Whether you are a share trader or a long-term investor, when you make a profit, SARS will want its slice of the pie Ever since biblical times, there has been a tug-of-war between governments trying to extract as much as possible from their citizens in the form of taxes, and individuals trying to keep as […]
Maximising your dividend income

You could improve your return by selling the share instead of waiting for the dividend payout—but there are caveats. I was recently asked an interesting question about dividends. The person concerned was curious as to whether—from a tax and return perspective—it is better to take the dividend itself, or sell the share and take the […]
Ceasing tax residency: Changes on the horizon for interest and capital gains
Section 9H of the Income Tax Act provides that a natural person’s year of assessment is deemed to have ended on the date immediately before the day on which that person ceased to be a resident for South African tax purposes. Furthermore, that person’s subsequent tax year is deemed to commence on the day that […]
Shareholding in SA companies: Beware of residency changes
In 2001, South Africa, like many other countries, introduced capital gains tax aimed at levying capital gains tax on the gain made from the disposal of certain assets. When a South African tax resident company redomiciles abroad and changes its tax residency to another tax jurisdiction, such a company ceases to be a tax resident for South African income tax purposes (regardless of whether […]
When is Capital Gains Tax not incurred?
Section 9HA of the Income Tax Act deals with deemed disposals by a deceased person. This section of the Act often causes some confusion, especially where there are heirs or legatees other than the surviving spouse. In terms of the provision, a deceased person is treated as having disposed of his or her assets at […]